
SkinnyCoffeeClub 28 day program | Moji utisci

By Anastasija Kostić - 16:01

Hello everyone and welcome to my new post!
I got a chance to try out Skinny Coffe Club 28 Day Program and promised to share my opinion when I am finished with it. So let's get right into this post !

At the first time of trying this coffee, I didn't measure the amount of coffee needed for my cup rightly so the taste wasn't that good. I was so sad and disappointed . So the day after that, I made it right and the coffee tasted, surprisingly for me, good. I did like it and day by day ,it kept getting better and I started to enjoy that time of the day which was reserved for my coffee.

I am sure you are all waiting for the results, did I notice anything different on me or my body while drinking this coffee? Well, I did! It felt like detox and helped me through my weight loss journey. I am not saying drinking this coffee will help you lose weight if you are eating unhealthy food and not doing much activities or sports.
I have nothing much to say about this coffee except that the taste is really nice, I drank it without sugar and the taste was really good and mild and that it helped me with doing detox. I have probably lost about 4 kg and about 3 cm of my waist in these month and a half since I started weighting myself.
The another good thing about Skinny Coffee Club is that you can choose between daily and nightly programs and they also have new instant coffee available so be sure to check it out on SkinnyCoffeeClub .

They also offer you meal and exercise program while buying this coffee because without those two factors, you cannot see many results by only drinking this coffee or anything else.
I will be continuing with trying out Skinny Coffee Club products and bringing you more updates here, as well as on my Instagram profile so be sure to follow me there ---> @coccinela_blog

Here you can see instruction for use. They recommended that you drink this coffee without milk and sugar , but If you must, you can use coconut or almond milk and Stevia as sweetener.

You can see on this picture how that looks like. Actually , it looks like dirt 😅
But believe me, it's very tasty.

You can see my results! I'm not fitness star I mean, but I feel really healthy and that is important.
This is just the beggining! I started my 'fit for summer' workout project, so you'll see the results next time when I got my second SkinnyCoffeeClub coffee :)

Thank you for reading !

XoXo, Coccinella

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8 коментара

  1. Great post! Nice photos! I followed you, follow me back, please:)!

  2. Анониман5. мај 2018. 09:16

    Sjajan post, draga moja. Nisam do sada probala ovo, ali definitivno moram da probam, jer po slikama (koje su predobre), je mnogo dobar.

    Novi post je na mom blogu. Pogledaj ako imaš vremena: Adda's Life

  3. Wow kako si zgodna :) svaka čast <3 nisam probala ovaj proizvod ali zanimljivo deluje :)

  4. E zapravo, ovo deluje fino. Nemam problema sa viškom kilograma, tako da se nikad nisam previše interesovala za takve stvari, dakle, nisam u toku i prvi put čujem za ovo, ali mogu reći da zaista deluje jako interesantno, a i sama ideja je originalna. Odličan post, hvala što si nas informisala o ovom proizvodu ❤️

    Novi post: The girl named Ana ❤️

    1. Hvala ti Ana ❤️❤️
      Kada sam cula za ovo, odlucila sam da probam vise zbog tog nekog detoksa jer sam fizicki aktivna te ni ja nikad nisam imala takvih problema :)

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    Love your post and followed your blog :)
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