
Evening Dresses | JJ's House

By Anastasija Kostić - 11:05
Hello my beautifull readers! Welcome to my new english post for my dear friends from my favourite site - JJ's House. I will show you my favourites from their site.On their site you can view and buy a lot  of really cute dresses for every special occasion. In this post ,I chose to write about Evening dresses . But first,let talk about JJ's House...

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New specials for the fall season | Zaful

By Anastasija Kostić - 14:46
Hello my dear friends! Don’t you think the weather is turning a little bit cold? Your summer clothes couldn’t maintain body temperature anymore. That is to say, It’s time to prepare your new outfit for Autumn/Winter. Talking about looking good in the fall season. What could be better than a sweatshirt/sweater? We prepared and proudly represent you the 2017 fall season collection! No...

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BTS | Notebook DIYS

By Anastasija Kostić - 13:38
Caos ljudi! Dobrodosli u novi post! Danas sam za vas pripremila DIY ukrasavanje svezaka. Pre svega se zelim izviniti zbog toga sto ovako kasno objavljujem BTS post......No,nadam se da cu ovakve postove stici da napisem ranije sledece godine. Sve ideje su lake za realizovanje tako da svako od vas moze da ih uradi. Mozemo da pocnemo :) Za prvu ideju,iskoristila sam crnu A4...

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